Endorsements and Support

We want to express our deepest gratitude to the organisations and individuals who support our initiative in various ways by contributing information, endorsing our work, and acknowledging the importance of the website in capturing these historical events in the trans and intersex movement in Africa.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to our partner and fiscal host, as well as to those foundations who support us through grants, as this support makes it possible for our work to continue. 

Endorsements from African Trans and Intersex Organisations

Gender DynamiX (GDX), South Africa

Established in 2005, Gender DynamiX (GDX) is the first registered Africa-based public benefit organisation to focus solely on the trans and broader gender diverse community.

Over the past 13 years, GDX has built up a strong track record in understanding the diverse nature of the work, and the diverse needs of trans and gender diverse persons both in South Africa and its surrounding regions. Based on its organisational values, GDX aims to work in ways that uphold ideals of self-identification, self-determination, respect for diversity, inclusivity, meaningful participation, transparency, and accountability, while seeking to position trans and gender diverse persons through the realisation of their (our) autonomy and potential for nation-building. See all entries on the Timeline for Gender DynamiX

“The Trans and Intersex History Africa website acts as an archive that puts into perspective contemporary developments concerning trans and intersex organising on the continent. It also recognises that trans and intersex persons have a long history on the continent that dates back to pre-colonial times. The website is a great resource as it provides a clear overview of how trans and intersex organising have provoked, encouraged and inspired legal and social transformation despite the odds.The website inspires a pan Africanist solidarity and serves as a reminder to current and future activists that we are not building change in isolation but that we are building on a solid body of work developed by our elders, those whom we remember and those whose names may be lost to history.

As Gender Dynamix, we welcome the launch of the website and recognise its educational and political consciousness-raising value in the now and for the future. We look forward to the launch of phases two and three.”

Liberty Matthyse
Executive Director
Gender DynamiX (GDX)
South Africa

Transgender Education and Advocacy (TEA), Kenya

Transgender Education and Advocacy (TEA) is an international human rights organisation working towards defending and promoting the human rights of transgender/transsexual people. TEA is registered in Kenya by the NGO Coordination Board under the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government. See all entries on the Timeline for Transgender Education and Advocacy.

“The website is a very emotional tale. It is a great reminder of what can change in our societies when people dedicate their lives to fighting oppressive systems and beliefs. It shows what changemakers can do when they conquer fear from within and without. There is strong animus towards transgender persons in Africa. But the levels years back were mind-boggling. The milestones articulated in the website gives meaning for the trauma people got from the wars and struggle for liberation.

The website also feels like a time machine. Biko Beuttah’s entry took me back to 2006 watching America’s Next Top Model on a local TV station. My dad walked away very confused when Tyra announced that all the models in front of her were at one time men – and one was Kenyan. It was bizarre!! I could not believe what I was watching. I was not alone.

This should be a must read for young and upcoming changemakers.”

Audrey Mbugua
Executive Director
Transgender Education and Advocacy (TEA)

Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA), South Africa

Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA) primarily focuses on black trans and intersex people living in rural areas and black townships in South Africa. TIA runs projects that bring these communities together. Their advocacy programme seeks to ensure trans and intersex rights are recognised and protected, that trans and intersex people have access to legal gender recognition and affirming quality healthcare, and also aims to prevent discrimination against trans and intersex people in education, and employment. See all entries on the Timeline for Transgender and Intersex Africa. 

“Congratulations on this wonderful and well representing work. This brought back so many memories. I am very grateful for the time and effort to this amazing work. 

TIA definitely welcomes this work, and we are very proud to be part of such a vibrant movement. Words cannot express how appreciative we are for leaders such as you Liesl, Julius and Victor. I remember very well when we all met in Maputo and that was the birth of strong and dedicated trans leaders. Gabrielle always cares for our community. Their contribution to our movement is always appreciated. 

I confirm that our information is well documented, and TIA endorse this initiative.”

Tebogo Nkoana 
Executive Director
Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA)
South Africa 

Parnership Agreement and Fiscal Host

In March 2023 The Trans and Intersex History Africa website (TIHA) and Gender DynamiX (GDX) signed a memorandum of agreement to formalise a partnership of alliance.  The agreement serves a dual purpose: to support the founders of the TIHA website to continue to develop and document  pivotal moments in the trans and intersex movements on the African continent, and to provide GDX with a platform to develop an online Pan-African research and resource repository which will be linked to the GDX website.  

According to the agreement, TIHA will recruit, subcontract and source its own consultants, area specific experts and service  providers to continue the research and development of the Timeline and other site specific content.  TIHA will also continue its own search for further funding and resources (beyond the financial support that GDX  is able to provide under the partnership agreement). 

GDX will act as fiscal host to TIHA and contribute to cover some of the development and maintenance costs of the African Trans and Intersex History  Website with human resources and financial resources, where appropriate, and subject to  availability of funds.  GDX will also provide a space on its website to link to the African Trans and Intersex History Website, optimise its online platforms to visibilise ‘Anniversaries’ and ‘On this Day in African Trans and Intersex History’ and cover the work of the Africa Trans and Intersex History platform in its newsletters.  GDX and TIHA will also jointly apply for funding  opportunities to further develop and maintain the platform over time.

Gender Dynamix logo

Support from our Donors

The Other Foundation logo

The Other Foundation is an African trust that advances equality and freedom in southern Africa with a particular focus on sexual orientation and gender identity. It gathers support to defend and advance the human rights and social inclusion of homosexual and bisexual women and men, as well as transgender and intersex people in southern Africa – and it gives support to groups in a smart way that enables them to work effectively for lasting change, recognising the particular dynamics of race, poverty and inequality, sex, national origin, heritage, and politics in our part of the world.

Endorsements from Academics

Amanda Lock Swarr, University of Washington


Amanda Lock Swarr is the author of Sex in Transition: Remaking Gender and Race in South Africa and Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine.  She is also Associate Professor in the Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies department at the University of Washington, USA. Her work is concerned with queer, trans, and intersex studies, medical inequities, and feminist politics in South Africa and the USA.

“This website includes information from a critical period in South African trans and intersex history from the perspective of activists who were deeply involved.  This archive is not available anywhere else, and it constitutes an essential resource!  Folks included here did critical work for and with trans and intersex communities across Africa, and it is amazing to see how the organizers of this archive documenting histories and memories.  This site will serve as a model for those organizing for justice and researching the globally significant accomplishments of African activists.”

Amanda Lock Swarr is the author of Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine and Sex in Transition: Remaking Gender and Race in South Africa. She is also co-editor of “The Intersex Issue” of TSQ (with Michelle Wolff and David A. Rubin) and the anthology Critical Transnational Feminist Praxis (with Richa Nagar), and her essays have appeared in journals including TSQ, Feminist Studies, and Signs.  

Amanda has collaborated with LGBTQI+ activists in South Africa since 1997 and is passionate about the histories described on this website. Her current activism focuses especially on trans and intersex medical justice. She is a Professor in the Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA. 

Amanda wrote an engaging book review of the memoir by Caster Semenya. She also provided support with other Timeline entries, such as the piece about the formation of the First African Intersex Organisation in 2000.

Marc Epprecht, Queen's University

Marc Epprecht is the author of Hungochani and Heterosexual Africa? and is a professor at the Department of Global Development Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. His research areas are environment, health, social history in southern Africa, and gender and sexuality.

“Congratulations to the TIHA team for launching this vital, brilliant and beautiful initiative. Trans and intersex people have historically been marginalized from the main currents of lgbtiq+ activism, with trans folks typically assumed to be gay or butch lesbian and the intersexed often completely disregarded, even as a token in the acronym. The interactive, generative nature of this project thus promises to create an essential counter to that marginalization. The ambition to counter the predominance of South Africa in the existing scholarship on lgbtiq+ struggles is another extremely welcome aspect of it. The accessibility of language meanwhile fulfills a longtime aspiration of many of us academic workers, that is, to render very challenging research, subtle and shifting identities, and complex ideas into a language that is open to a much broader audience than us eggheads tend to reach. Bravo!

Trans and intersex people obviously existed long before 1992, but the time frame selected here imposes the discipline of a very clear logic: to archive moments when the struggle for trans and intersex visibility and human rights are explicitly asserted or, in many cases, denied. Closing it off in 2016 makes sense as well, although this will likely limit input from many African countries where trans and intersex activism has only just begun (or indeed, has yet to begin). Yet this keeps the focus on documenting the early history and avoids getting bogged down in contemporary partisan or other contestations. My hope is that this strategy – and the beautiful graphics – open the door of welcome to submissions from far and wide, in diverse forms of expression, so to that help build and preserve a more inclusive history than we have seen so far.”