Founded by Julius Kaggwa in 2008, the Support Initiative for People with Atypical Sex Development (SIPD) was formed in Kampala, Uganda to create awareness and provide public education and capacity building about intersex issues for key stakeholders, and to mobilise allies and partners as a sustainable way of creating social change. Through these strategies they hope that civil society, government, and the general public will be more supportive of intersex children and people and their families. SIPD advocates, mediates and provides services for intersex people also known as intersex people throughout Uganda.
SIPD embodies a vision of a world whose appreciation of human beings transcends the present gender dichotomy and the oppressions and violence that this represents.
To create Awareness on Intersex / DSD (differences of sex development) conditions and advocate for a more open, tolerant and supportive society towards children and people with intersex conditions; and to advocate for protection, welfare and respect for the human rights of all such persons in Uganda.
Many intersex people do not have access to appropriate information and may not be able to identify their condition with intersexuality. Given SIPD’s past and ongoing work and clout nationally and regionally, SIPD is well positioned to effect education and awareness on these issues; and create an environment that challenges our static definitions of sex and gender, so that sex indeterminate and gender variant children and people can access their right to freely make their own decisions regarding their sex and gender determination and access appropriate health care and support at will.
- Break through the current superstitious boundaries by showcasing the reality and incidence of intersex conditions in our country and region.
- Work towards a more compassionate, humane, open and tolerant society through innovative communication approaches, such as educational and informative awareness drives aimed at challenging the exclusion of this population affected by intersex conditions from social, legal, economic, spiritual, and political frameworks.
- Increase the availability and clarity of information on intersex conditions and ensure that this information is appropriately interpreted at the grassroots level where most of the socially orchestrated marginalisation, hostility and ignorance originate.
- Lay the foundation for SIPD as an advocacy and support organisation aimed at promoting the civil liberties and human rights of children and people affected by intersex conditions through the development and engagement of relevant change agents at community level – health workers, parents, community leaders, young people, religious and faith leaders, and school authorities – who will recognise and promote the development benefits of an open, informed, compassionate, and tolerant society.
+256 414 693 861