The Association des Guinès Manguès de Guinée (AGMG) was founded in Guinea-Conakry in February 2022 and was registered on 7 December 2023.

Vision and Aim

The vision of AGMG is to bring a fairer, more egalitarian change to the acceptance of human rights without distinction of gender, sex, race and socio-professional strata in the community. The aim of the organisation is to contribute to the development of sexual minorities and to defend their rights. AGMG’s purpose is to:

  • Respect human rights, in particular those concerning diversity of sexual orientation.
  • Contribute to improving the quality of life of lesbian, transgender, and bisexual and (LGBT) people.
  • Improve access to quality health care, the fight against HIV/AIDS, the fight against stigma and discrimination as well as gender-based violence (GBV).
  • Promote the rights of children and young girls, particularly lesbians, trans and non-binary people, and bisexuals.
  • Create literacy centres for lesbians, trans and non-binary people, and bisexuals with a view to promoting the creation of income-generating activities.
  • Participate in the fight against stigmatisation and discrimination of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.


To plan the implementation of programs and services adapted to the realities of sexual minorities as well as the visibility and empowerment of LBTQ women and non-binary people through the power of communication and innovation in Guinea. AGMG’s mission is achieved through the following objectives:

  • Inform and raise awareness about the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections);
  • Promote the human rights and sexual and reproductive health rights of marginalised social groups;
  • Contribute to the psychological and medical care of people infected and affected by HIV-AIDS;
  • Ensure large-scale advocacy for the improvement of the living conditions of LGBT people;
  • Work for entrepreneurship and professional integration of young people, particularly LGBT people;
  • Develop the skills of members for better involvement in political dialogue on health-related issues;
  • Work for the participatory improvement of key targets in the governance and development of national health programs.


Among others: volunteering, dynamism, respect, non-discrimination, tolerance, transparency, integrity, solidarity, inclusion, professional ethics.

Areas of Work

  • Fight against STIs and AIDS.
  • Fight against stigmatisation and discrimination and GBV.
  • Promotion and Defense of Human Rights.
  • Capacity reinforcements.
  • Advocacy.
  • Support (community, psychological and social).


(+224) 224 624 40 05 41 / 622 021 943