In July 2014, Liesl Theron stepped down as the Director of Gender Dynamix (GDX). Liesl co-founded GDX and served as Director for 9 years. She was succeeded by GDX’s first black* leader, S’bu (full name excluded for safety reasons, but available by request), who served from August 2015 — February 2016. 

After S’bu’s short term, Tshepo Ricki Kgositau from Botswana took over the reins as Director from March 2016 until January 2018. The current Director of GDX is South African, Liberty Matthyse (2018 —).

  • In South Africa, people of colour are referred to by their race, i.e. black, coloured, Indian or Asian, so ‘black’ is not considered offensive by black people.
Gender DynamiX’s Directors over the years. From left to right: Liberty Matthyse, Liesl Theron, Tshepo Ricki Kgositau, and S’bu
Tshepo Ricki Kgositau
Liberty Matthyse
Liesl Theron announces the end of her directorship of Gender DynamiX